Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Blog

Blogging is new for me, but I am passionate about getting help for my daughter and therefore willing to do anything for her. I am glad I am learning how to blog from a graduate class I am taking. Our children have blogged since they were able to type on a keyboard, but we adults were busy with our jobs and family. Here is a website of another family with the adverse reactions to the Gardasil vaccine (www.hope4amber.com). I left a blog on many sites and written letters to people who I thought coul help and so far there has been no response. I will not stop until I get the help my daughter needs. I think the drug company should pay for my daughter's doctor bills. The MRIs, EEGs and medication is expensive and the insurance has a ridiculous deductible and doesn't cover everything. Not to mention, the time lost from work having to go all to the doctors' (neurologists, testing, follow up) visits while they try to figure out what to do. I want my daughter back the way she was before the vaccine.


Red said...

I caught your blog at Jenny's blog. I was lucky enough and blessed to have in our home schooling group, a woman who was passioante about vaccines. Her son, as she adamantly describes, became autistic, due to a vaccine.

She has drilled inot me about the hazards of vaccines. I too have an autistic child.

I knew that this Gardasil was shakey at best. I am trying to convinve my sister not to give it to her girls, but she is jaded by "ModernMedicine/Doctor"

Does she relaize that doctors, and pharmacueticals(sp?) are all in bed together. I am on a sopabx now...I am sorry.

I am hear to tel you I have you and your family in my thoughts. Keep on plugging for your daughter and I hope things get resolved.

jenzen said...

Thank you for your concern and prayers. I cannot simply sit by and do nothing. I am on the computer everyday trying to find answers. As a mother, I am more motivated and concerned than most doctors. There are so many unknowns. I can understand better how allthe parents of children who became autistic after immunizations felt. In hindsight if I had it to do all over again, I would home school and not get any vaccines. I will not stop until I get someone to listen and help my daughter.